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6 Kingfisher Crescent, Dudley Pringle Dam Tongaat, 4399
GPS: S29.53497 E31.13369

Directions coming from Durban (the south) take the N2 freeway ,go through the toll Plaza towards ballito, take the Ballito off ramp,at the robots turn left. Carry on straight past the umhlali golf course at the intersection ( T junction, Manor house will be infront of you) turn left onto the R 102, go straight along that road ( quite a few Km’s) till you reach a set of robots , you are going to turn right at the robots, come down the road over the bridge and then take the 2nd turning to the right, there will be a white pillar which reads Dudley Pringle , come along the road, don’t go through the white pillars , hug the sugar cane to the left and we are the 1st long driveway on your right hand side. You will be directed to parking from there!

Directions coming from Ballito (the north) from the Ballito off ramp, come over the free way and at the intersection ( T junction, Manor house will be infront of you) turn left onto the R 102, go straight along that road ( quite a few Km’s) till you reach a set of robots , you are going to turn right at the robots, come down the road over the bridge and then take the 2nd turning to the right, there will be a white pillar which reads Dudley Pringle , come along the road, don’t go through the white pillars , hug the sugar cane to the left and we are the 1st long driveway on your right hand side. You will be directed to parking from there!

Google Maps - edit your own route via Ballito to Eagles Cry 11.1km / 12 minutes.


Contact June Mcloughlin or Penny Stratford
+27 828062560 or +27 825693766
EMAIL | eaglescryvenue@gmail.com